Procedure Templates



The Desktop Usage Policy is intended to maintain the security of Company information processing on desktop computers equipment against the risks associated with the exposure or loss of sensitive, unique…



The Document Control Procedure details the procedure, which needs to be following, regarding the development and maintenance of internal policies and procedures at the Company.



The techniques of dual control and segregation of duties have to be implemented to enhance the control over activities wherever the risk and impact of an IT Security incident would…



The Email Usage Policy was developed by Company in order to allow the secure and effective use of the electronic mail (e-mail) service inside and outside Company. This policy set…



Company believes in respectful and fair treatment of its employees and the present policy details on Company’s expectations in this regard.



The objective of the Equipment Hardening Procedure is to ensure that the equipment used by the Company are addressed by an equipment hardening process for securing and consequently protecting the…



The Ethics Procedure defines the basic standards of business behavior and ethics that Company’s employees engaged or not in relations with third parties have to comply with. Third parties are…



The main objective of the Firewalls Administration Procedure is to provide clear rules and guidelines for the design, operation and support of firewalls within Company.



The General Principles of Effective Supervision Policy sets forth general principles and select specific standards for the appropriate supervision of Company employees and Business Areas, which is based on the…

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