Procedure Templates



This System Operations Standard is aimed at IT Operations processes rather than normal end user activities and addresses IT requirements which must be incorporated into system deployment, system support, system…



The purpose of the Systems & Applications Development and Operations Policy is to set the principles used in the acquisition, the development and the implementation of the Company information assets.



The Systems Management Policy outlines the security requirements for the management of Company’s IT networks, Information Systems and the integrity of related business processes.



The objective of the Technical Vulnerability Management and Control of Malware Standard is to set the minimum requirements for Technical Vulnerability Management and for Control of Malware.



This IT General Controls Framework contains a list of 98 controls (Excel format) with detailed descriptions which can be adjusted to fit any complex IT environment, for both Financial Services…



The objectives of the Technology Risk Policy are to ensure that Technology Risks are proactively identified, well understood, and prudently managed in order to support the achievement of business objectives…



Information and the supporting business applications, IT processes, databases and underlying infrastructure are important assets of Company and, like other important assets, must be suitably protected. The availability, integrity and…



The objective of the Third Party Access Policy is to maintain the security of information processing facilities of Company accessed by third parties.



The Third Party Access Procedure describes the security rules that must be followed at the Company in order to maintain the security of information processing facilities of  Company accessed by…